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The word karate is a combination of two kanji (Chinese characters): kara, meaning empty, and te, meaning hand; thus, karate means "empty hand." Adding the suffix "-dō" (pronounced "daw"), meaning "the way/path," karate-dō, implies karate as a total way of life that goes well beyond the self-defense applications. In traditional karate-dō, one is supposed to compete and strive to excel against him/herself.

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about Wushu

wushu  is a form of contemporary Chinese martial arts that blends elements of performance and martial application. Wushu training emphasizes quickness, explosive power, and natural, relaxed movement. The wushu practitioner must combine flexibility with strength, speed with flawless technique, fierce intent with effortless execution.

Bruce lee world records

  1. 1. •Bruce Lee is the only human to break a 45 Kg a sandbag by a side kicking
  2. .
  1. 2. • Producing 1600 pounds of force using nunchakus.
  1. 3. •Bruce Lee could punch 9 times in one second while His One-Inch Punch could force a 75kg opponent 5-6 meters away.
  1. 4. •Lee had punching power of 350 pounds, the same as boxing champion Muhammad Ali but Bruce Lee weighs just 130 pounds in weight, while Ali was double his weight (260 pounds).
  1. 5. •Bruce Lee could kick 6 times in one second and his signature move “Skip SideKick” could spring a 200 pounds guy with safeguard armor into the sky.
  1. 6. •According to the available data, Bruce Lee could do around 1500 pushups with both hands in one go, 400 on one hand, 200 on two fingers and 100 on one thumb.
  1. 7. •Bruce Lee holds the world record for kicking a 135 Kg sand bag to the ceiling which was about 5 meters high.

Ninja belt Exam


निंजा कोम्बेकट एकेडमी मे निंजा बेल्ट एक्जाम हुआ

जिसमें एक्जाम लेने शकील अब्बासी निंजा खेल महासंघ उत्तर प्रदेश के प्रेसिडेंट, बंटी

सिद्दीक़ी चेयरमैन, जनरल सेक्रेटरी ध्रुव दिनकर रहे. जिसमे कि दीपक यधुवंसि को

ब्राउन बेल्ट, अवदेश कुमार ब्लू बेल्ट, सिया दिनकर ब्लू बेल्ट, रिषभ दिनकर ब्लू बेल्ट,

फिजा अब्बासी ऑरेंज बेल्ट, गुल्प्सा खान ऑरेंज बेल्ट, आशिक़ खान ऑरेंज बेल्ट बच्चों

को बेल्ट और प्रमाण पत्र देकर सम्मानित किया. और सभी बच्चे एक्जाम में पास हुए

यह एक्जाम बिरला मन्दिर क़े पास निंजा कोम्बेकट एकेडमी मे हुआ

------- Titles in Karate ------- 1.     Sensei "Teacher or One who has gone before":   This title is by far the most often used t...